1 min read


Hashtag Ameeto by joe0153 on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/69288857@N03/6299980870/in/photolist-aAH3PQ-phHt2n-9PhDXT-

Are you on twitter? If not, sign up now! Twitter is a great resource for project managers. You'll find experts sharing their advice, articles, blog posts, event information, and more. Plus, there is a weekly "event" on Twitter called PM Chat where project managers from all industries gather and talk about specific topics. Tomorrow's topic will be Digital Project Management, and I've been asked to co-host.

So, log on to Twitter tomorrow and look for questions and responses from @pmchat @brettharned (me) and @G0GetterVette (co-host) and also follow the #pmchat hashtag to watch other responses come in. Here's a sampling of questions:

1.) What kinds of projects do you manage?
2.) How is managing digital projects different from other industries?
3.) How important is project leadership in your industry? (Technical knowledge vs. soft skills)
4.) Are the PMs in this industry PMI-certified? Do companies require certification? What can compensate for lack of experience?
5.) What tips can you give to new PMs who want to go the digital industry or to experienced PMs who would like to jump into the digital industry?
Your responses have to be short...it'll certainly be a challenge, but it's fun and a good way to hear quick points of view on varying topics. So join us tomorrow at Noon Eastern/11am Central on Twitter.