A New Adventure in Project Management

When I started this blog just over nine years ago, I never expected that it would enable me to make important personal and professional connections around the globe, pursue more writing and speaking opportunities, or lead me to amazing opportunities. Today, I’m happy to announce that I’m taking on a new opportunity as Director of Education at TeamGantt. Interesting, my relationship with TeamGantt can be tracked back to my blog.
Early on, I wrote more frequently and would often be amazed by how people found and responded to my posts. When Nathan Gilmore from TeamGantt first commented on one of my early posts, I was intrigued. I had known about TeamGantt and liked the product. It was inspiring to me that someone from a product company was interested in what I had to say. So, when Nathan reached out a couple years later about writing for TeamGantt, I was all ears. That writing project turned into the Guide to Project Management, a free ebook that contains some of my thoughts and opinions on how to succeed as a project manager.
That project turned into several more projects, and many meetings and conversations with the folks at TeamGantt. They quickly became one of my favorite clients. So, while I was surprised by Nathan’s offer and it took me a while to decide if I wanted to stop taking client work, I ultimately realized this was the perfect fit for me.
All things DPM
I’m excited about this role, because I get to do what I love: write and teach, and continue to foster community in the project management space. It’s a natural extension to the work I do (and will continue to do) with the Bureau of Digital, particularly with the Digital PM Summit.
But I’ll also get to expand my horizons a bit. While my focus will always be on DPM—a community I have worked hard to grow and champion—I’ll also get the opportunity to work with PMs in other industries. That’s pretty exciting to me!
My career is a constant learning experience for me, and it always will be. Even as someone who is now focused on teaching about project management. I can only imagine the connections that are in store, and the amazing conversations to be had at conferences and online. If you’re interested in being part of the community or just want to talk about project management, get in touch. I promise we’ll both get something out of it.
One last thing: My colleagues at TeamGantt also blogged about me joining the team. Check it out.
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