1 min read

Coming soon...

I am working on an exciting new project and will be posting the first installment this week. No, it's not a new design (Aw, shucks! I know!). In my opinion it's better because it's about the content (but, yeah, I still want a new design). It's an interview series that focuses on the role of Project Management in the life of other web professionals. I've recruited some great friends and colleagues to dish the dirt on what makes them tick and how project managers can make sure they keep ticking. I'll be speaking with designers, developers, user experience designers, writers, account people, and any one else willing to talk to me.

I really want this series to be helpful to PM professionals. If there are any things that you're dying to know but were always afraid to ask, let me know. I've got a few interviews in the works, but can continue to evolve the format. For now, this will be a written Q&A format. Although, a certain someone decided to record their interview on video and I have been sworn to never post it online. Good stuff.

Stay tuned.