1 min read

Be you.

Be you.

There is so much you're required to do a digital project manager, and it doesn't all have to do with attention to details and creating scopes of work. To be a truly great PM, you have to...

Be nice
Be in control of your domain
Stand up for what's right
Be open to discussing what you thing is wrong
Put in extra hours when needed
Be supportive
Read, read, read
Be willing to take a hit for the team
Do the work that feels unimportant
Prove your worth
Buy a coffee or a lunch every once in a while
Put your ego aside
Deal with personalities
Vent to the right person
Have fun
Smile, even if you don't want to
Be meticulous about the details
Inspire collaboration
Question things
Not over-question things
Let go when you have to
Be willing to have difficult conversations
Make lists
Learn from your team
Know enough about design and code to make you dangerous
Be honest
Be supportive
Provide updates
Follow up
Follow up again
And again
Stay calm
Be ready to address issues
Not use business speak
Share your experiences
Compliment your team for a job well done
Talk about what you can improve
And act on it
Stick to your word
Be you.