Recognize DPM

It's not often that Digital PMs are recognized for the jobs. But that's okay—we're the people behind-the-scenes who help to make great things happen. Every so often, though, a team member or client will recognize the value of a great DPM. That typically happens when a site launches on time, or when they compare your project against another project and realize that things ran smoothly. Even then, it's hard to pinpoint it to the DPM. But recognition is recognition, and you should take it!
Just yesterday, Paul Boag blogged about the importance of Digital PM. For me, the post provides recognition for everything we're doing as Digital PMs, and everything we've one to build a community within the larger digital industry. In the post, Paul asks very direct questions like, "Why is there a perception that project managers are not experts? That they’re just paper pushers?" and many other interesting questions that get at the heart of the importance of the role. It's thought provoking and inspiring. And for someone like Paul—who I've followed and looked up to for years—to put it out there so plainly, feels like it should huge boost for Digital PMs everywhere, myself included.
Paul also calls for us to ask .NET why they don't have a "Digital PM of the Year" category in their awards. It'll be interesting to see if that works out. Here's the won't if we don't at least ask. So use the handy "Tweet this" link in Paul's post and make it happen (even if you're not a PM).
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