A new adventure

I started my career as an editor at a start-up called mysportsguru.com. From that point forward, writing became a part of my career, for better or worse.
Writing for work got boring at times, so I maintained a personal blog for years, mainly as an outlet to have fun writing about my life, opinions, ideas, and interests. It was all pretty obnoxious, but it fulfilled me creatively. And it made my friends and family laugh, so I considered it a success.
Otherwise, writing as a job has never been fulfilling for me. This is mostly because, as a writer, I'd write about the same things for the same audiences over and over. On top of that, finding my voice when writing for someone else has always been a struggle. There was always a disconnect.
It wasn't until when I joined the team at Happy Cog in 2009 that I realized I could combine my love of writing with my work as a project manager—and have a unique style and point of view. Writing for business doesn’t have to be boring when you choose the topics—and when it’s based on your real-life experiences.
That realization led to creating this site’s first version, a blog called "Adventures in Project Management." It gained traction because I worked at Happy Cog and my articles were shared through their Twitter account. Engaging a whole audience of peers in the UX, design, development, and digital project management communities who connected with what I had to say was so much fun. I found people who shared the same ideas and experiences. I found my people through a blog– who know?
That writing led to public speaking, publication in print and web publications, creation of a new digital project management community and conference, and eventually a consultancy, a book, a course produced by the Skillshare team, a consultancy, a book, a course produced by the team at Skillshare, and a podcast. My professional work is scattered all over the web.
I’ll soon have another place to write on the work-related topics I love: communication, collaboration, and culture. (Read between the lines: project management isn’t going anywhere.)
So, that’s all to say that I will be using this site to write for fun again. It probably won’t be about project management, because I’m on to other adventures.
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